The integrated course Geo-Engineering Techniques for Unstable Slopes (GETUS) aims to teach the attendees how to approach typical problems of geological risk assessment and site monitoring with advanced solutions of Engineering Geology. The discussion of the assessment and monitoring technologies will be integrated with the presentation of the most appropriate techniques related to Applied Geophysics, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Thus, the general structure of the integrated course is thought in order to have a strong focus on interdisciplinarity. Specific problems (unstable rock slopes and landslides) will be taken as significant examples in order to present and discuss the above mentioned topics. A test site will be selected to let the students apply the methodologies presented during classes and to perform field activities. Nevertheless, other environmental problems (e.g., abandoned mines, avalanches, earth embankments, etc.) that can be approached with the same general strategy and with the integration of similar techniques will be also mentioned to discuss similarities and peculiarities.
The courses will consist of lessons, seminars, laboratories and field activities with on-site applications that involve several disciplines and that follow the logical approach to the considered problems. The major themes constituting the integrated course are:
I) geological, geophysical and topographical assessment of a risk site;
II) integrated monitoring systems and data analysis.